The Who To Tell Question
Monday, January 14, 2008
I’m wishing everyone had a great holiday season. I’m way behind in my online life, so I’m sorry to anywhere I haven’t visited or any MySpace email I haven’t answered yet.
I just stumbled across an article on the Who To Tell question by Eve Howard of Shadowlane. She has a great catch-all phrase for those who just won’t understand:
I do have an excellent catch all phrase that I came up with to explain the allure of spanking to the erotically challenged and it really seems to work. I say, "You know, it’s just cute." This sentence seems to work like magic. The sun comes out over their heads and the confusion clears from their minds. Distantly and vaguely, even youthful persons have now and then glimpsed a "cute" spanking, in an old TV show or old movie, an illustration or comic book. Cute is a great frame of reference for spanking because it’s the opposite of scary old B&D. Everyone understands cuteness. It’s not the Marquis de Sade, it’s "just cute!"
That both cracked me up and made me sigh. It cracked me up because she’s so right, and it would work perfectly. And it made me sigh because I wish there were a catch-all phrase to explain the intimacy and intensity of it, so people would understand.
Why do humans yearn to be understood?
WB, Nattie! That was a cute way to look at it, LOL...
I think that yearning to be understood translates to wanting to be seen in a good light. As opposed to being seen in a bad light!
By Reesa Roberts, at
It's just cute. Indeed. and It's just hot. It is what it is.